Friday, August 24, 2007

What if number 28 - Shush! yoo demon!

What if that little voice in your head gets the better of you?

Well...... sometimes, Timmy here wants to come out and play. WITH A KNIFE!!!! Cause he's a slasher... of prices! (cus he owns a store - like in hot fuzz).

Ever experience a little voice in your head telling you to do stuff? Or... not do stuff in some people's cases? Sometimes it's common sense talking. Sorta like when you open a bottle of wine, common sense says... "don't chug the whole thing now... you'll look like a dipshit". You might listen, you might not. But its the ones like "mmm, you know you wanna grab that ass" you shouldn't listen to. HARMFUL STUFF THAT!

It's okay children, drugs are bad! If you don't believe me ask your Dad

Feels like I'm taking crazy pills!!! - Mugatu - Zoolander
I know i am ;)

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